Please click on the poems to read them

I wrote "The Brandy Jar" in the late 1970's and printed it on my antique letterpress. In the original booklet the poem "It's Raining Cats & Dogs" was included. Here it is separate and listed below.


    I wrote "Farmer Mel" in the early 1980's but Illustrated it in 2009 and 2010. I hope to illustrate them all eventually.
"The Crazy Person" is based on an actual bus ride, one of many that I took back then in the 70's and 80's.             These Limerics are fairly recent.    
      "In Case of McBurnout Read This" is an observation of the ad campaign that McDonalds was using at the time. Many of you seniors may remember the zany cast of characters they developed.               This is my favorite poem.  
      I wrote "Parson Jones" in the mid 70's and illustrated it just now in October 2014    